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Past Performances

Historia Productions since 1997
  • MAYFLOWER: THEY KNEW THEY WERE PILGRIMS (2020 - 2021) A successful ZOOM production in November 2020, was followed by a tour of churches - arguably the "doctrinal heirs" of the Pilgrims - from November 18th -30th

  • MAYFLOWER (May and June 2022) enjoyed a successful 3 week run at THE HEN AND CHICKENS THEATRE ISLINGTON.

  • DEAR CHOCOLATE SOLDIER (April 2019) - reprise of 2018 play at St Hugh's College Oxford.

  • DEAR CHOCOLATE SOLDIER (2018) - based on the letters of Bombardier Edwin Hassall. He served in the trenches from 1914 to 1918 and was involved in some of the most notorious engagements of the war. Two short tours in May/June and again in November.

  • FIRE AND PHOENIX (2016) (about the Great  Fire of  London 1666) by Kate Glover and directed by Kenneth Michaels, had a week’s  run at The Bridewell Theatre in November, followed by a tour of City Churches either affected by the Fire or with Pepysian associations. 8 actors took part.

  • MAGNA CARTA (2015), written and directed by Kate Glover toured London + venues associated with King John (e.g. Rochester Cathedral and Newark Castle) as a rehearsed and costumed reading. 7 actors were involved.

  • QUEEN ANNE (2014) by Kate Glover and directed by Kenneth Michaels, had a 4 week run at the Barons Court Theatre July/August.  It was a full and costumed production. It was designed to coincide with the 300th anniversary of the death of Queen Anne on 1st August 1714.  Kate Glover was interviewed by Jenni Murray on WOMAN’S HOUR.  Jenni came to see the play and was very complimentary about it.

  • THE SOUND OF BREAKING GLASS (2012 - 2013) by Sally Sheringham was about the Suffragettes. The play toured schools, as a costumed rehearsed reading (scripts in hand). 6 actors took part.

  • JUDENFREI (2011) was taken on as an in-house production by the New End Theatre, Hampstead (a Jewish house). It was timed to coincide with Holocaust Memorial Day (marked by a moving Q and A session). It played throughout January.

  • JUDENFREI: LOVE AND DEATH IN HITLER’S GERMANY (2010) written by Kate Glover and directed by Tom Scott, was staged as a short touring production.  It told the true story of Jewish lawyers who were not allowed to work in Hitler’s Germany. It was inspired by an exhibition at the Temple Church in 2010 called Lawyers Without Rights.

  • AN AFRICAN'S BLOOD (2007-2008) by Kate Glover, was also an anniversary play. It opened days after the 200th anniversary marking the passing of the act to stop the slave trade in March 1807. This toured, with 6 actors, as a rehearsed reading. The play toured the country from Liverpool, Bristol, Hull (Birthplace of Wilberforce), Cambridge and Wisbech (birthplace of Clarkson).  It also had many performances in schools, museums and theatres in London.

  • FIVE ELEVEN : THE POWDER TREASON (2005) written by Kate Glover and directed by Rebecca Atkinson-Lord.  This was about the Gunpowder plot. It toured in London and in Warwickshire (the heartlands of the plotters) and was timed to coincide with the 400th anniversary of the Plot on 5th November 2005.

  • EVELINA (2004) (An adaptation of the novel by Fanny Burney) by Kate Glover, premiering as a rehearsed reading at Dr Johnson’s house and then going onto a 4 week production at Pentameters Theatre (March 2004)

  • A PASSIONATE ENGLISHMAN (1997 and 2000), based on the life of William Penn and set in the form of a dialogue between Penn and Samuel Pepys.

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